Open Source Web Development

The Picture Imagine if you will, trying to buy a car, it looks slick, shiny, fast, the salesman wants you to have it as bad as you do. But you're a smart buyer you want to check things out before you lay the money down. But the salesman won't let you see inside! Won't let you look under the hood. You have no idea what the vehicle can actual do or if it can do anything. I feel the very same way with commercial software. It cost half a grand for the Operating System to run a computer, another half grand for some decent graphic design software, and however much for a legitimate HTML editor. From this and, of course from the title, you can tell that I am focusing on software for web development, but many principles discussed here can be applied to all software. So many stores sell on the web, it's a hassle free environment, and so many people buy from the web because they know they can buy anything. So a web page may be something you really want, but you're going to ...