Live Chat Taking Advantage of Open Source Software

There's a new way to powerfully get the word out about any business. It's called an Open Source Live Chat Software. It is fundamentally a free software that can be installed on websites that allows website owners, visitors and customers to interact with each other in real-time. Thousands of websites are already harnessing the power of using a live chat software. It allows for a more interactive experience for users and it also provides some valuable marketing intelligence to website owners. It is also interesting to note that many of the free live chat software are non-intrusive, as they can be placed nicely on the sidebar without getting too much in the way of the user's view. Very much like in the real world, it is essential to properly introduce yourself whenever talking to a customer or responding to a visitor's inquiry online. Briefly tell the person who you are and what you do. Also, it would be best to always address the other person using his name or sc...